Countdown for 2011. xD ♥

Merry Christmas! :DD



Having much funs these four days with my lovable friends.(: We went miri for three days, and the next day of went back from miri, we went to an outing at 1u. There's six people attending the outing, that's me, sueen, phoebe, kt, yeqi and pinwei.

Okay, another case here. today's 10pm, I suddenly can't breathe well, and I know, it's asma.:o My mum brought me to the doctor, and luckily, the doctor said it's not very serious.(: So I still can going Miri trip tomorrow. :D
But of course, an asma patient must sleep earlier! But I still can't fall asleep now! OMG.=.= How if I don't feel well at Miri tomorrow? Then I can't join those activities with my friends.....omg, imagine this. It's totally suffering! :ooo
And there's another thing which Im worrying now. Can I get up the flight with medicine? How if can't.:oo Imagine again, ohhh no! Then I can't go Miri anymore, nonono! Im so dead. :ooo
Okay, I must sleep! If I still don't sleep, tomorrow I will die til gao gao. :P
Christyheartsyou. :D
Dreams? ♥

Had a nightmare yesterday, again......-.- About SOMEONE. Make me felt sad. But when I wake up, I discovered, it's just a dream. I can't believe if the dream comes true, I will die. :O But luckily, just a dream. :D So I posted : " It's just a dream. <3">And pin wei commented, :"you talking to eunice?"
In the room.

In the room right now listening music, chatting with sueen, yuyin and putting on my nail-polish. How suprise, sueen is doing the same thing as me. :D Hers is hot pink in colour, and mine is transparent but with some glitter glitter one, loveit. (:

Short hair. / Outing. :s

The End.

"Should auld acquaintance be forgot, "
"And never brought to mind? "
"Should auld acquaintance be forgot, "
"And auld lang syne! "
"Chorus.-For auld lang syne, my dear, "
"For auld lang syne. "
"We'll take a cup o' kindness yet, "
"For auld lang syne. "

Ohh finally Im graduated. But Im not really happy, but quite sad.:( I believe those standard six's pupils have a same feeling as me. I dont want to leave my friend larh, they're too lovable. I really can't live without them. :( Chelsea Chin, XIn Wei, Carynn, Esther, Sammie, Sue En, ZuYaN, KangThye, Desmond, I will never forgot you guys. Of course still have some of them I didnt listed it out, cause its too much. Sorry. :O
Ohkayy, I have a good news and a bad news right now. Good news is : " I get 7A's for my UPSR exam. (:" Bad news: " I'm not going BU3 or Hin Hua next year, Im going Pin Hwa. :(" Actually its not really a bad news, maybe I can meet more new friends there, so its not really a bad news too. (:
Xin Wei gave me a graduate present yesterday, Iloveit so much.(: It's a love shape necklace and there's a photo of me and xin wei in the love shape. It's kinda a sweet present. I will keep it forever, cause its a symbol of our friendship. (:
Just a short post for today, bye. (:
Bye my friends, lets appreciate for the last week.
Fat dog (kang thye) felt so damn happy because Im not going hin hua next year, Im going BU3 next year. Not because of my parents, just because I dont want......I dont want go hin hua cause I only can see my family members once a week. :( So thats why.....but maybe Im going government school for one year only. Who knows? (:
Okay I think I gonna to take my bath already, im so smelly now, so bye guys.(:
New haircut?


Let's pray.


Drew something on my hand at school. Guess what? It's "tattoo", ehehe. Cool. A fake tatto. (: I wrote California Gurls on mine. And Sue En, Meen Yie, Chelsea, Sam, Esther and xin wei etc. wrote other song's name, example : LoveTheWayYouLie, TeenageDream, Impossible and else. (: We took some photos of it, and we're going to set it as our profile pic on facebook. (: Cool rite? But I washed it away immediately at school, I scared kena marah by teacher, Im a good student. :PP
Ohh yeahh TongShen just sang at school today, almost for the whole day, and on the stage. I love his voice so damn much, so thats why I keep grinning when I heard he was singing? Quite weird. -.-'' I mean veryy weird. But he said I laughed at him on his blog, I did? I don't even remember it. :S
Sammie organized a girl's day at her house this friday, but Im not invited. :( Even Jing Yuan was invited. Too bad, quite sad. :P But she have choices to invite who rite? So, thats why, not thinking it much. (:
Ohh yeahh I finally found the way to change my font type and font size now, HAPPY. :DD
That's a post for me today. (:
Votes. (:

This is the second post for today, cause I was too boring. Ahahahh. Spending all my times on blogging and facebook-ing. (: Saw anything new on my blog? Yeah, the vote thing. (: Omgg, there's a big mosquito flying here and there in my room, hate it! But fine, dont let it bothers me. :P Okayy continue......what I said just now? Ohh yeah, about the vote thing. Recently cute, stupid, pretty, kind and naughty also have one vote, except for crazy. It takes two votes. >.< Hahahh I know I am kinda crazy. :P Actually I though naughty or stupid will get the highest votes at first one, but now, dont know? (:
Sue En and someone don't know who voted me crazy. :PP And then Chelsea voted pretty. ( Can't believe that, I though she will votes stupid or naughty one, hehe.) Tong Shen voted kind and Ye Qi voted cute. :PP Okay, the last one and the stupidest one --- NG KANG THYE the fat dog voted stupid of course. :PP I admit that Im stupid but he's even stupider! :PP Hehe.
Just chatted with Tong Shen, Chels and the stupid fat dog on msn. Kinda fun, keep arguing. (: I love arguing with the stupid dog, idk why. Just love it, hehe. (: Tong Shen helped my blog to "打广告" on his blog and asked his reader to read my blog, hehe, thanks ya. ♥ ;)
Anyway bored for the whole afternoon and discovered some blogs. Now only I know that Eunice made a blog too. (: Even Pin Wei's, I just went to his blog, even though I knew he had a bog since yesterday. :P Chelsea made a new blog too. (: The URL is : http://thelifeofacrazykid.blogspot.com/ . Helping her to "打广告", haha. Lol.
Saw 2009's 6u-ians' blog. Its so damn cool and nice. Better than ours 6u's blog so damn much weihh. :P Love the blog so much.(: Something just caught my eyeballs on facebook. It's about a relationship status, and its betweens esther and john! Ahahah, a 'perfect couple' . :P Estaa dun kill me after you saw this ya. :P I was just joking larh, of course I know it's fake. :DD Chatting with Sue En, and she was like keep asking me everybody's blog's URL. She thinks Im a blog's dictionary izzit? -.-'' I think she really hope so.
Ohkayy, done a long post. GudNite. ;)
Family Tree. (:

Ohh hii my fellow readers. (: Just went back from school and ate maggi mee before bath. Yummy, maggi mee is my favorite, haha. :DD Yesterday I discovered Sam changed her blog's URL again, and then I was like.....Omg, again? -.-''She always changes her blog's URL, it makes me kind of confuse which website should I type if I want to read her blog.:S
But anyway, her blog is awesome. (: As awesome as Esther's. :PP I love their blog so much. If I could give out a reward for them, then I sure will give out the "Best Blog Ever" and "Awesome Blog Editor" 's rewards to them. (: Ohkayy Tong Shen created a blog too, he posted so much his kid's photos on his blog, it was so damn CUTE. >.< If he's still so cute, I sure will pinch his face! Hahahh, I rather thinking that Tong Shen will feels lucky when he sees this. (: Besides that, you guys know how to change the font's colour and size? I want to change mine, but I can't, too bad. :( Even 6U's blog also can change the font colour and size, but mine can't. Saddie. :(
Ohh yeahh, Xin Wei had just done a family tree's list. Im not Zu Yan's grandmother anymore, she changed me into Zu Yan's wife! Omgg larh, I want to be his grandmother, it's more fun. :PP So I was trying to change me back to grandmother or grandmother's mum again. Hahahh. I know I am lame, but that's me. (:
Ohkayy talk about others, basketball......yeahh basketball. I get hurt because of playing basketball again today. -.-'' I have a rough luck....though so. But the happiest thing was I broke the highest records of girls. I scored 6 times for two quarters! Ehehe.....happy. (:
Recent News. (:

Heyy readers.(: I felt so terrible boring after UPSR, it's like......super boring! Nothing to do at all, except for using the com? Yeahh, it's the only thing I can do. (: Ohh yeahh, I can read my books too, I bought a lot of books at the KLCC book fair that held at last month I think. So I really have so damn much books now, thinking could I finish reading all of it? Ohhkay, it's not impossible but it's hard. I scared I become a book worm larh, I dont want to be a book worm, haha. ;DD Anyway must read them, but must spend such a long time for it. (:
Ohhkay, Im just drinking my milo when I typing this, it's enjoyable. (: Anyway, finally I have my own room. Actually not OWN ROOM, I must share this room with my sister. :( But at least I doesn't need to sleep with my mum, sister and brothers in a SAME ROOM anymore. (: So its a good news.....I think? ;DD
Ohhh, suddenly remembered something important, a very good news, for me. (: So lucky, I get the second place for the chinese essay competition. :D I can't believe that, actually I just simply wrote it, I can't even imagine that I would get a second place for it. :PP But, of course, it's happy. (: But too bad I can't beat Tong Shen, Tong Shen get the first place for it at last year! Even though he didn't get any prize for this year..... :PP
Buh bye! ;)

Have funs. (:
This is just a random post. (: I have such a long time didnt blogging already, cause LAZY AGAIN! Hahahh...... This week is quite fun, but also have sad things larh, of course.(:
Well, I just went to Yee Jun's " After Exam's Party". He said everyone in standard 6 also can go even he dont know, but after that he deleted the post, I think he felt regret for inviting all standard 6's pupils cause its weird, I think...... I went but I dont even know Yee Jun, hehe.......Cause Xin Wei knows him and she asked Yee Jun me and chelsea can go or not, and he said yes. So that's why I went.(Even that's weird.) =/=
I really have a lot of funs there, we swam, played water balloons, played basketball and else......Sue En took many weird photos of me.......hate it. :( I always look ULGY in those photos.:'( Wanna see? Aww nawh way! Its too over weird and ugly larh. :(
But, after having funs, that's the starting of my bad lucks. In the next day, I felt that I can't breath easily, cause of my asma. I think I am too tired for the last day , that's why. :S Anyway I went to see the doctor and must eat medicines now! Bad luck bad luck!
Ohh yeah, still gave another bad thing that happened on me. I took the entrance examination of hin hua, but its so damn hard! It's hard for me anyway, but its not for zhang yan......haihhh, too bad. :( I want his brain but I know I can't. :PP So, I think I can't pass for the entrance examination, cause I didn't even finish all of it. It's too hard for me for finishing it. :( So, I think I can't study at hin hua in the next year already? Yeahh maybe. If it really happened, I can go to my bro's school - pin hwa. Maybe it's my destiny? Who knows? (:
Aiyaya, everyone prepared for the UPSR already? Hope you guys have a good luck for it! (:
Just a short post. (:
Sunday Midnight

Hi guys. The time is 12.55 midnight right now, and Im the only haven't sleep in my house, I think so? Luckily my mum read her book til fall asleep that's why she didn't scold me for using the laptop til so late. (:
Ohh finally I finished my weekend homework today.;DD I doesn't finished reading my 'Twilight' yet, but just for a half of it, its hard for me to read finish an English novel in a short time. But for a Chinese novel, I can read finish 400 pages in one or two days, I think so. (:
Lol, I love midnight times so damn much, cause its the time for myself, with nobody bothering, its good. (: I can listen my music with alone or read my books too, its not fun but its cool. ;) Maybe not for you but yes for me.
Okay, the cool times were precious cause it flies very fast, and now the time was 1.03 a.m. already, if I still don't go to the bed then I can't guarantee that I can wake up at 6.00 a.m. tomorrow, so going to bed, byess. (:

Ohh helloooo guys.(: So, it's just an ordinary Saturday, and it's kind of boring too, just as usual. So now Im having a plan, my mum suggested this plan to me, so Im trying to carry it out. Lol, its quite embarrassing but Im going to post some comics on this blog every weekend? I drew it myself, so if its very vapidly or ugly drawing, please don't blame me, cause Im not really good in creating some stories or drawing, Im just trying to draw see either I can did it well or not? So if you have any opinion, you can write it in my chatbox, thanks. ;)

So, this is the Character Introduce's form. You can know the characters' name and other data here. Hope you enjoy it well. ;)
Addicted ( :
Guess what result I took for the Trial 3? 7A! Now only I remember to announce it on here, and its veryy late, cause UPSR is even closer, I just still have three weeks for it, and I have no confidence at ALL.
Anyways, backed from ckg cheng's tuition, and unbelievable again for getting A for the pemahaman paper. Even that nowadays those pemahaman paper I also took A for it, but I still not really believing myself. It's common rite? Maybe it is.
I'm kind of lazy to done my homework now, must have some rests. Holiday is coming, and my mum consented to bring me to the book fair that be held at KLCC, feeling so exited for it. (: I have been such a long time did not went to a book fair, so that's why Im so exiting now. :DD And that's all I want to say today. (:

And this is what I drew yesterday. I love it so muchy. So how about you guys? Giving some comments can? (:

Aww guys, I had been for few weeks did not post anything on my blog already ya (I think so) (: So now Im going to post something, teehee. Post something exactly humdrum (:
Guys, guess what I ate for my dinner today? Ohh yes, you're right! I just having steamboat with my family (: It's totally AWESOME. ;) I was been such a long time did not ate steamboat already, so that's why now my stomach is TOTALLY FULL :PP I can't controlled myself and keep eating and eating, can't stop, until I'm full.
Now im so kind of lazy and lying on the chair while typing this, its just lame. Just viewed xin wei and esther's blog. Their blog was totally AWESOME + COOL. Doesn't looks like mine, too lame, boring and LOL! Boring til so many peoples spam my chatbox, teehee. Don't know why those guys so love to spam other people's blog, maybe they're crazy or some other specific reason, I dont know?
Esther posted a "VLOG" and actually Im going to watch it, but it cant load successfully, too bad. :( Maybe next time I can watch it, yea, next time :) OMG! Those Odonata Publishing Sdn Bhd's novel authors are coming to our school next Monday!>.< Im so damn exited and wish that I can control the times, make it flies as fast as it can! I think I'm going to bring between like RM60 to school for buying those new novels (: I'm too dissipation......maybe? But maybe not too (:
Anyways must finish my homework as fast as I can then I can do other things, so buh BYE! See you next time! ;)
Finally (:
But now Im kind of worry because now is trial 3 already, I scared I can't control myself then play too much computer then the result of my trial 3 would be kind of WORSE! But, who cares? rite? I almost every time exam also like this one larh, my result also didn't worse until where, wekeke.
Oh yea, GOOD NEWS GOOD NEWS. I took 88% for my trail 3's pemahaman! It's so unbelievable again! Miracle happening again :PP But I'm sure I can't so lucky as last time and take 7A anymore ): Maybe I can take 6A? 5A? Better above 5A's larh......hope so?
Okay, be relax. Don't be so stressful as last time anymore, or else later all over my face full of pimples then die. Wekeke >.<
But anyway, I still loving those food which make me fatter, example like chocolate, cheese, spaghetti, mayonnaise and much......I still can't change my habit--- ENGORGE! If you know me well, then you sure know it (: But if life no EATING, then my life would be so kind of boring and no FUN at all :( So I think if I do exercise but still eat those kind of FATTINESS food also nevermind one guahh? Maybe? But.....who cares?
Anyways, I want be TALLER and THINNER :PP

Best Result ever ;)
If you're 6U-ians you sure will say “不要骄傲”to me wan, rite? I'm sure. Cause today the headmaster Lee asked the one who get 7A please stand up, then I stand lorh. Then everybody say :“不要骄傲!”to me......I'm not 骄傲, I'm just proud of myself, wakaka (perasan) But of course marh, this is normal reaction okay? :PP
Wakaka, the most important thing is I can ask some gifts or money from my family members already, wakaka. I know I'm cupidity, but who cares? This is just my personality, I just can't change it, so don't blame me. (=

Huhh, today is Sunday, so that's why the title of this post named "Sunday". I know it's lame but cause I'm too boring, so.....BLOGGING! I luv my blog, but sometimes quite lazy to post something on it, so that's why I got so damn less post for this year. See my last year's record, it's above 100++, awesome rite? (perasan) Hahh I know I'm perasan, doesn't need to tell me (=
Sunday, what should I do? I damn stupid, finish my homework so fast for what, so I have nothing to do now. Just sitting in front of the computer and don't know what to do or play. Summore I'm at the office, so what should I do? I have NOTHING to do. :S
See, my twins brothers and my small little cousin is playing something I don't know what is it besides me. They having fun, me? Having bored time.
Just a short post for fun, so byes hun ♥

Think what makes me more annoying? She said cause this year UPSR, I must focus on it! OMG larh, she was the one who said be RELAX and don't make myself got stress. Then now? What she said again? I felt so damn annoying for it.
PARTIES PARTIES~ When only I can attend the next party? Maybe for next week? Next month? Or even next year?! How can I do just 24 hours for school and home? What can I do? I have nothing can do just except for sleep, eat and play computer! And sometimes face too much on computer also will boring wan mahh mum. No fun at all at home, too BORING.
Fine fine, be happy. Life is like this one lorh, how can I do? Kill my parents just want attending those parties meh? No I can't. That's why. Be happy, don't let those things bother your spirit Christy (:
So far 5A's
Maybe I can get A for my science cause I get full marks for the paper 1 :DD Maybe miracles happen then I can get 7A's. But it's really very very veryyy difficult! I never get 7A since standard 3 or 4! So, it's freaking hard to get it! But, just as my mum said, just let nature take its course. :) Life must be happy, not for stress, rite? ;)
Hope this picture happens on me. ;)

The first A I get for my BM pemahaman!
But if I doesn't get A for it, I sure sad til suicide. o_0 Cause I really do my revision hardly, don't trust? Go ask my mum. =) But too bad, Chelsea didn't even do any revision but she took 88%, I just took 83%. Not fair rite? But fine, at least I get A. But next time sure want beat her, wekeke. :DD
I hope I can get 7A for this trial. But, now I don't think so that I can get it. Cause Mrs. Lim said that our class only nine pupil score A for chinese pemahamn! Even though that I almost every time get A for it, but I think this time I can't score A. It's damn hard, even harder than Bm. The first time I think that chinese is harder than malay, isn't it funny? Yes, it's quite.
And summore, I also don't think that I can get A for my bm penulisan and english this time. Cause when I'm taking the bm penulisan's exam, my mind just keep thinking of my bm pemahaman get A, so I just simply finished the exam paper. That's why I think I can't score A for it. =( Then how about english? I dont think I can score A too, cause I only know how to speak or write BROKEN ENGLISH! So how? Fine, no 7A, say bye bye to it! x(
Work hard for UPSR
But luckily, I has a good and kind mother. She didn't gave any stress on me, she just taught me something. She said the results doesn't means everything, but for the hardworking that I had paid. Cause if I didn't get the results I want I also still need to continue my life what, I can't die just because of the results. Study is just same as life, you paid something then you get something. If you doesn't paid anything, even that you really get something valuable, but you can't so lucky for the whole life.
But for my angle, if I didn't give any stress to myself, then I can't get what I want to get. Maybe somebody think that I also not so care about my study, actually not. I just didn't express it out. This world has many types of people, some of them express to everyone what they want, but some of them didn't express it out but they work hard behind of you.
Last, if I get 7A then I sure going chinese's secondary school, but if no, maybe I can't. Cause my parents maybe don't let. But more chance I'm going chinese's secondary school. =)
Graduate travel << don't know correct or not
Rainy Day
Anyway, although that my mind is thinking no no no but actually I'm so happy too. Because I love rainy day, rainy day is so cool and refreshing. And the sound of the rain drops dropping onto the floor or buildings also would make some sounds..it became a euphonious music, sounds good. I LOVE the sound so much. :)
And.......the happiest thing......(She/He) also didnt went home so early today.....maybe because of the traffic jam? Yea, maybe....?
Anyway, I love rainy day so much and I hope everyday is rainy day too....i hope so but i trust so much people dont hope so....:(
Klang Kampung Foodcourt
and Im right here now.
My dad reopen this just because to help his new student,
so good hearted lah my dad.
He still help her to pay the rent ehh......
Over good hearted already larhh,
last time he helped his student but his student 忘恩负义 one,
not just didnt feel be grateful,
she cheated my dad's money too! >.<
Think about her then feel so geram oledi!
But anyway,
I'm here to helping my dad to dispatch those fly sheet with my sis and brother.
When I reach here,
my memories fly out from my brain.....
Dont know last time I came here is when?
Last year? last last year? or last last last year?
I think is last last last year,
when Im still standard 3.
I always come here and played with two girls.
Until now I still remember the two girls that always accompany me to play together last time...
We have so much fun here.
But now......
they're not here anymore,
since my dad move his office to Damansara,
I didnt come here anymore,
so I didnt saw them anymore until now......
They're not here now too......i try to find them, but they're not here......
I hope I can see then again,
even only give me a few seconds...
I want to tell two of you,
thanks for accompany me play together those years.....
I can't promise that I can remember two of you forever,
but I can promise,
I so damn miss two of you right now...
Feeling bored and sleepy......
Touchful dao......
Finish reading my 《一封迟来的信》,
this time I read this book for so long time......
Since Monday until now only I finished,
geng lehh~
I love this book so muchhh!
Very touchful......
So meaningful also......
Its such meaningful,
especially this few sentences:
Isn't it meaningful?
If you can,
I encourage you read this book,
The author of this book always wrote some novel thats so meaningful and touchful,
so I love her books so much.
Even 许有彬's books also not so interesting,
for me.
hope you guys like this book too <3
LOV3 exam so much.......
have one good news,
I beat zu yan in moral, maths and kt exam this time,
kinda happy :P
But I'll never can beat him in the trial-exam thats were coming.
I know I can't even that he didnt do any revision,
coz my brain how also cant better than him one, so bad rite :S
I dont want to let him know that I think like this coz.....
damn 'bu shuang' larhh.....
I like to 逞强,
thats my personality,
cant change wan :P
Ohh......xin wei beat me in every single subject, sad sad :(
Hahax, luckily i beat tong shen in kt and moral:P
he beat me in maths and gong min,
science not sure :P
This time chelsea's result not so good,
sad 4 her :(
Anywayz, late for my nap ! :S
Not feeling well
I think im sicked but I still wanna go to school,
coz im too rajin already, haha......
Because I wanna to see him/her everyday,
so I cant lost any chance to see him/her. :P
I think tong shen infect to me wan,
coz during exam he keep using tissue and 'sisisusu' there,
maybe the microorganisms like me very well,
so they decided to inbreak me, lol.
I know thats 'kixiao' but it just true. :S
I feel wanna to die already,
cant breath......
And when teacher is teaching us during lesson,
I feel my myself very cold but when i use my hand to touch on my forehead,
thats warm.
Somemore I forgot to bring back my 数学历年考题!
Luckily I finished half of them at school:P
I lost my necktie!
The stupid dog larhh,
make me angry and i wanna use it to beat him although i didnt did it.
But now I dont know where did I put my necktie and its lost!
Anywayz, continue suffering,
New blog for 6u
the templates she use damn nice,
I hope I get on too:)
The URL of our blog is http://6u-story.blogspot.com/
I become the follower already :P
Xin Wei told me the username and password but I forgot it.
I deleted my another blog coz some reason,
dont hope anyone saw it before :S
Coz the blog is too ...... if you saw it you sure know what am I saying. blek:P
Everyone from 6u,
hope those of you can upload our blog everyday larhh.....;)
That's all I want to say. Blek ;)
Everything really totally changed~
very obviously,
our friendship doesnt left even a bit in this world...
You're changed very well,
I miss the time during april...
April is my happiest month in this year...
But how about May?
Everything totally changed during May...
I hate May...such a sad month
Last time,
you're so kind,
but now, you're so cruel.
You did something let me felt very very very sad.
I dont know how to describe the feelings....
I feel like this world is changed,
and you're the one who changed the most.
I hope the time can reverse once time again,
April really damn happy,
I want to have the happy time again,
but surely,
I cant......
Early Birthday Surprise
Hey all my friends! Tomorrow is already my birthday, damn exited! But today is more exited! Today I went to school and see that weither got people remember my birthday or not……but……damn disappointed……sue en said that she didnt bring my birthday present…….chelsea said she didnt bring my birthday present too…….and esther ask my birthday not yesterday meh???!!! I damn disappointed, mad, sad and angry when i heard that……really ANGRY……almost everybody forgot tomorrow is my birthday!:@
Then I pretend like dont want talks to them lorhh…..then chelsea and esther also didnt talk to me……:( Then the times flies away… Suddenly, esther took my present and put it on my table and say happy birthday to me! I damn surprise then I ask her I though you didnt bring my present? Then she say actually she wants give me during recess wan, but she saw nobody give me present then she give me first lorhhxx…..damn HAPPY when I received that present.
After Madamn Lee’s lesson, is PJK…..we go to padang and take the PJK exam. Chelsea same group with me but we cant found esther down there so we didnt care about it, cause she should be ‘tao ke’ with caryyn. Shirley and Sue En them keep saying they would bring me to a secret place and give me a secret present. Then I ask what is it but they also dont want to tell me.But I felt happy because they REMEMBER my birthday!
When teacher said prefect can go down for recess already, Shi Fui them call me leave in class and they go down to prepare first, so I leave in class. Then when student’s recess time already, sue en, phoebe and chelsea accompany me down. I went to canteen and jing yuan or jing hui come and make my eyes close and bring me to a table. When I open my eyes, they’re singing birthday song for me! DAMN HAPPY~<3
I’m damn surprise man! When the song is finished, I cut a piece of cake for zu yan then jing yuan help me to cut for other people and teachers already. The cake is really delicious! Even delicious than my aunt’s friend’s cake. Hope I still can eat the cake next time too. I am so happy that because they prepared this small party for me. So thanks to everybody that has prepared that small party for me! I LOVE YOU ALL AND YOU GUYS ARE ALWAYS ROCKS!
Finished my cake. I went to ‘ji hui chu’ then sue en give me my present! 原来 she also has the same idea as esther, she wants to give me the present during recess. Even that the present is not wrapped, but I like it too!~ THANK YOU SUE EN YA!
Ohh yea, about zu yan and harold’s present…they gave me last week ago, damn fast, and I like it too…..THANK YOU ZU YAN AND HAROLD TOO!
The story is END…
Time flies away automatically~
After three person birthday, after exam, that's holiday!
Ya, last last Wednesday is Zu Yan's b'day, chelsea and me gave him a big surprise. We gave him a large size pig doll, a pig notebook, a pig keychain, a pig toy that I don't what's the name is it, and a pig b'day card. That's a pig package for his b'day, hope he is happy in his b'day. Next year we also no chance to give him presents already, that's a sad case rite?
And, the last Wednesday is Shirley's b'day, chelsea and me gave her a small size tortoise and a nice notebook.
Last, at last Thursday is Sue En's birthday too. Me, Jing Yuan, Jing Hui, Jun Hui, Ying Qin, Harold and the those people in 田径队 bought a birthday chocolate cake for Sue En. We put the cake into the canteen's refrigerator. Then, when recess time, we took the birthday cake from the refrigerator and sing birthday song for Sue En. Chelsea and me also gave her a photo frame that bought from Tesco. I think this is the most happy birthday in her life, maybe? But I know she is happy.
Thursday that day, teacher also told us all the exam result, my result just okay, not very good, but I already satisfied, because I improve in all subjects.
This is my result:
Chinese Pemahaman-97.5%
Science in chinese-88%
Mathematics in chinese-93.5%
Chinese Penulisan-93.33%
My chinese pemahaman and chinese penulisan both also is the most highest marks in my class, damn happy! These two weeks is such a happy weeks.
Thailand Trip
Really miss all my friends in 6u, haha...... don't know everybody are doing what now? These three days in Thailand really damn fun. The first day I went to Hatyai City, then we went to four temples in Hatyai with a car we call it 'but but car', my mum say like that larhh, don't know is it really it's name.
You know these few days I saw very very very more bondan in Thailand, they're so weird. I really don't know what;s their mind are thinking, why they want to make their self become so weird? Don't know, if one day I become bondan then I only know what's the feeling it is.
Ya, we rent a van and a van driver here, but the van driver where also don't know how to go one, also don't know rent this van for what. Yesterday the van driver introduced us a seafood restaurant and he guaranty that the foods in the restaurant is very cheap and delicious. So we went to the restaurant and eat lorhh......But at last when the bill was appeared......you know what's the price??? It's 5000bathe!!!! That means it is RM500. Oh my gosh, how expensive it is!
Afterward, my uncle tell me that the ice cream we ate cost 40+ ringgit, so I became curious because we only ate 5 ice cream and I saw the menu wrote that one ice cream only cost 35 bathe, means RM3.50. But why so expensive. So I go to check the menu again and I discovered that they just paste a paper on the place they tagged the ice cream's price. And the paper tagged another price of the ice cream on it, it became 70 bathe per ice cream! Then my mummy went to complaint to the waiter but the waiter just say sorry sorry then my mum didn't complain anymore. I believe that other foods they also didn't cost the real price already. So now I know what is 'hei dian' (chinese) already.
Today morning I woke up at 8 o'clock in malaysia time. After I wash my face and teeth, we went down of the hotel and ate the breakfast that given by hotel. After finish our breakfast, we went to a island named Coral Island. We went there with a speed boat, it's really fun on the speed boat, very relax.
Reach the island, we change our clothes and snorkeling in the sea, I saw something like jelly and inside got a things like bean in it. I though it was jelly fish but my grandfather told me that's not jelly fish, don't know what is it? The sea is very pretty and the view same too. We spent almost the whole day at the Coral Island until 4pm in malaysia time.
And I have nothing to say anymore, see you after holiday ya!
2010年是一个全新的年,我和 Samantha 也已经从好朋友降级到普通朋友了,因为我发觉只要我多一天和他做好朋友,我们就会多一次吵架,不如做普通朋友算了。但和 Chelsea 也从好朋友升级到超好朋友,我已经很久没有属于自己的一位好朋友了,因为这两年我们总的来说是三位在一起,我总会觉得我没有一位真正的好朋友。但 Chelsea 告诉我她也是和 Samantha 做回普通朋友,而 Samantha 却告诉我 Chelsea 还是仍然和他做好朋友,并没有要和他做普通朋友的意思,所以现在连我自己都搞不清楚他们啦。
第一个星期是整年里最好的一个星期了,因为:少功课,没有进修班有没有课外活动。就好象回到了一年级那无忧无虑的时期,超怀念的。转眼间我已经是六年级了,我和 Cassie 的友情也逐渐淡化了,以前我们是那么的要好,可是现在分班了果然不同。。。。。。但是他仍然是我的好朋友,一位老好朋友吧?
这个星期里老师安排了新的班长,新的座位。正班长是 Wei Shern 而副班长则是育安和新同学 Brandon。我的新邻居则是-黄康泰,真希望是 Ing Shen, 东升或祖延啊。不过康泰也蛮好的,至少好过那个业棋,他至少会让我,那业棋总是要我让他,但让了他就会说我欺负他的,和他着真的会有很多怨言啊。他总是把我当仇人看待,就算有时我真的是想把它当朋友看待,但他还是会以差到不行的态度对我让我不能好好原谅他的那些恶行。他甚至讨厌我到上楼梯时要推我和 Chelsea 一把。他真的如此讨厌我吗?本来是想告诉老师的,但是最后还是因为心软而没告诉老师。
这整个星期我觉得最好的是 Chelsea 整个星期都陪我下课,很久没有这样了。真的很开心。但是 Samantha 有一天却走去问 Chelsea 为什么最近我和 Chelsea 没有理他!我们不是明明对他说了做普通朋友吗?而 Chelsea 就告诉他他都没有事情要告诉他,为什么他要和他讲话。然后 Samantha 就回答说他有和 Chelsea 讲话,他和 Chelsea 说了一声:“ Hey! ”Chelsea 就告诉我说 Samantha 真的把她当作以前是好朋友那样对待,他没有事情也会忽然叫他Hey一声,我说 Samantha 真的不明白现在是我和 Chelsea 都要和他做普通朋友啊!我看星期一我得叫 Chelsea 和他说清楚了。。。。。。
开学第一个星期也不赖,因为我的新座位是在 Chelsea 的隔壁再隔壁,而 Samantha 却特地选了一个离 Chelsea 的座位比较近的位子,让我们有些尴尬。终止,这个说匆忙又不匆忙,说迟缓又不迟缓的星期就这样过完了,下个星期又是一个匆匆忙忙的星期了。。。。。。