Ohh hii my fellow readers. (: Just went back from school and ate maggi mee before bath. Yummy, maggi mee is my favorite, haha. :DD Yesterday I discovered Sam changed her blog's URL again, and then I was like.....Omg, again? -.-''She always changes her blog's URL, it makes me kind of confuse which website should I type if I want to read her blog.:S
But anyway, her blog is awesome. (: As awesome as Esther's. :PP I love their blog so much. If I could give out a reward for them, then I sure will give out the "Best Blog Ever" and "Awesome Blog Editor" 's rewards to them. (: Ohkayy Tong Shen created a blog too, he posted so much his kid's photos on his blog, it was so damn CUTE. >.< If he's still so cute, I sure will pinch his face! Hahahh, I rather thinking that Tong Shen will feels lucky when he sees this. (: Besides that, you guys know how to change the font's colour and size? I want to change mine, but I can't, too bad. :( Even 6U's blog also can change the font colour and size, but mine can't. Saddie. :(
Ohh yeahh, Xin Wei had just done a family tree's list. Im not Zu Yan's grandmother anymore, she changed me into Zu Yan's wife! Omgg larh, I want to be his grandmother, it's more fun. :PP So I was trying to change me back to grandmother or grandmother's mum again. Hahahh. I know I am lame, but that's me. (:
Ohkayy talk about others, basketball......yeahh basketball. I get hurt because of playing basketball again today. -.-'' I have a rough luck....though so. But the happiest thing was I broke the highest records of girls. I scored 6 times for two quarters! Ehehe.....happy. (:
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