Huhhh, finally, I cut my hair. :s Very short, very very. :O Sure shorter than you if you are a girl! Actually it looks quite okay, but everybody keep calling me auntie after they saw it. -.-'' Especially the fat dog NG KANG THYE. This useless, brainless, hopeless and lifeless dog. =.=, sueen, phoebe, xinwei, jasper, kt, john and yee jun went to an outing last friday at 1u. We have a lot of funs there. (: Watched a movie at cinema which called : Megamind. I changed the ticket with phoebe, so Im sitting with kt. :D ( for bullying him.) We're like keep arguing when we watching the movie, but its quite fun.(:

A pretty awesome movie. (:
After the movie, the boys went for bowling, then girls sitting beside and watch. -.-'' Cause of the boring-ness, we (girls) went for shopping. The first time I feel not boring with them, cause finally we are really buying something, not just walk here walk there and nothing to do. :D
I enjoy the times we had, very much. (: and, Christyheartsyou. (:
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