Guess what result I took for the Trial 3? 7A! Now only I remember to announce it on here, and its veryy late, cause UPSR is even closer, I just still have three weeks for it, and I have no confidence at ALL.
Anyways, backed from ckg cheng's tuition, and unbelievable again for getting A for the pemahaman paper. Even that nowadays those pemahaman paper I also took A for it, but I still not really believing myself. It's common rite? Maybe it is.
I'm kind of lazy to done my homework now, must have some rests. Holiday is coming, and my mum consented to bring me to the book fair that be held at KLCC, feeling so exited for it. (: I have been such a long time did not went to a book fair, so that's why Im so exiting now. :DD And that's all I want to say today. (:

And this is what I drew yesterday. I love it so muchy. So how about you guys? Giving some comments can? (:
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