Hohohohor! Teehee, lol -.- I knew I was crazy, for kept laughing for no reason, heheh (: Today is Tuesday, but I'n still blogging here, heheh,with a different way. x) I asked my MUMMY! - (SIM KWAN EARN) to blog for me. :P I gave her this and she just go home and type for me XD THANK I U mummy! x)
Lol Shu Lin said my blog is boring just because it's full with ENGLISH. -.-" Lol, you think it's boring just because you don't really like english, not because it's in english, figure it out properly, blek! XP (no offense ya.)
OH WOOTS! XD Guess what? I couldn't believe that I received a letter from Celsea! x) The first time I receive a REAL LETTER, not a fake one which sending through hand-to-hand, but through POST-OFFICE! XD And even from my best friend x) Honestly, Chelsea is the best best friend I ever had in my whole life (so far), but how's for her? IDK (x
Hahah lol, yesterday viewed Tong Shen's blog, discovered that he seriously hates his school much. o.O He always says that his school is cheap, lol -.-" But if he don't mind, he can comes to my school. :D If he comes to my school, I'm sure he'll be in the same class with me. x) And I think he will be kinda popular here too, just as when he was at baixiao, (: (I'm promoting for my school. xD)
Anyway, viewed my older posts during yesterday too, discovered that my english was so terrible worse while I was standard four? Yea, standard four til five, I had a very serious problem on english, my english was over-broken. xS So yea, now only I know why my friends always say that my english is so broken. Now only I realize that it's true x( But I also feeling suprise, because I improved really a lot since last year? (: Yea, I think I improved really a lot, but what's your opinion? You can leave a comment for me, I'll check it out. (; *ohyea, I discovered that I was so cute last time, every post I wrote make me laugh :D *
Hurray! My computer teacher let us (J111) used internet just now during his period, awesome (; Saw Chelsea onlined, she was preparing to school. Woah, it was already 12 in the noon! And you were just PREPARING TO SCHOOL?! Not fair lah! I must reach my school on 7am EVERY MORNING but you just PREPARING while it's already noon? Huh, not fair not fair! HMP HMP. >.<
Hmm, I think that's all I'm going to post today, cause if I still continue writing, my mummy (kwan earn) will be so pity on typing these, how pity she is, uhh :( Felt kinda sorry on this. :/
But anyway, byeee! (; ❤
hey Carmen here. Well, u know i had a very broken english since i was in standard 4 too :P can i know how u improved yr english so fast huh?? i'm so interested larh xD by the way, u're pretty all the time i saw you in school (:
Ehm? Read English novels? Actually no, I learned most of my English grammars and vocabularies from facebook (english version) and blogging. ;) Summore lots of my friends actually talked English, so yea, I learned much things from them too. ;) Urhh, thanks for the compliment? :*) *although I don't really agree?*:P Anyway, thanks for leaving a comment for me. (;
laugh good for you ~ more important is laugh can made you become beautiful!you want me always made you laugh ?
hahah.:P YOU wanna make me laugh? But you always make me mad! D: >.<
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