Just runn! ;)
But something even worse, today Cindy ( my primary's friend ) is having a birthday party at her house, but I'm not going too. x( I still have so many stuff to do, so I did not go, I miss my friends like hell weih, but still, not going. :'( Maybe someday asks Xin Wei or Sammie invite us to her house and sleep-over? Hahah, I think it will be absolutely fun. xD Anyway, hope that Cindy have a HAPPY BIRTHDAY! ;)
Actually I should be doing my homeworks right now, but I just leaved it alone in the corner. -.- Cause I wanna BLOGGING. :P Okay, I'll promise to my homeworks, I will done it while i finished blogging, okay? :)
Ohyea, something lagi worse happened on me AGAIN on FRIDAY. It rained that day, during the night time. So while we (hostel-ians) finished our revision at school, we were like returning back to hostel. And guess what? The floor was full with water, and I just slipped down! Summore from the staircase! My buttocks was so pained! D: But felt kinda happy too, because there were few peoples helped me to stand up from the freaking floor. :D They even helped me to carry my books and stuff. :") There were even two of them which I actually don't know, a pair of twins. (: They were so kind, so I just felt kinda touched on that spot. :O Anyway, thanks for helped me! :*D
Ohkay, stop mentioning those bad stuffs happened on me. :P (talking to myself.) Now lets talk about something exited. :D Eheem, yea right, there's something exited I can tell. :) It actually happened on Friday too, the first time I felt so exited and fun at Pin Hwa! :DD I played badminton, skipping rope and else with mei ying, yong ni and the else during the whole afternoon after my curriculum. xD It was so fun, makes me feel like returning to the times after UPSR with 6U-ians. We almost played basketball everyday, still remember? :D It was the funniest time I ever had in baixiao, I think? (: Anyway, I'm taking part in the running competition during SPORTS DAY too. :D I'm taking part in the 4x100, so I must often practice nowadays, with Yi Jing, Kwan Earn and Mei Ying. :D I don't really wish we can win, but try our best. ;) SO YEA, gambateh! ;)
That's all for today, my mum is actually starving now, gonna take our lunch out there. (; So ciao! ;)
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