Here am I. ;) <3'loves.
Ohkay, this week was an incredible week? At least I think so. Because there were so many things happened on me or my friends. But seems like most of them are in a negative way. :( For Mei Ying, the thing happened on her is worse than me, obviously. There's some problems for her relationship, with XXX. 0.0 For me, ehmm, how to say? I felt really fear this week, the thing happened on me is not that okay also. NOT OKAY AT ALL. I felt really vexed, because of this. :'( Everyday kept thinking of that thing, don't feel like going to school everyday, even step out from my room, also feeling fear. But I did not tell anyone? Maybe I told, but they didn't know it's really kinda of serious, I think.
Ehn, for Kwan Earn, she's a little bit scared about her friendship with XXX too, I think. She treats 'her' as a friend, but the 'her' treats her to rudely. D: Not that fair for Kwan Earn. :( But of course, someone is having good luck on her too, TRICIA TEH JING XUAN. :P She's so sweet lah, with her hubby, hahah. xD And about Yi Jing, CONGRATULATIONS for winning in the maths competition! :DD Also congratulations the other winners too. (:
Oh nooooo!~~~ I'm having serious bankrupt this week, kept lending money from friends. XIA SUI! xP But Jing Xuan very good lah, always belanja me, although the cost of it is always will be able to hear " short and fat " from her. xP But anyway, who rather cares? (:
Me, Balqis and Chun Leong were having a debate competition this Thursday too, we won. (: Actually me and Balqis didn't want to win wan, because if we win, we must prepare for the next debate topic again, it's really tired. :S but, at last, we must 向现实低头. T.T The topic which have given is "The House Wants Ban Setting Up any new Nuclear Energy Plant ". Unluckily, our team is the OPPONENT TEAM! :'( it's really a hard task for us to win, summore the government team is a very strong team. :/
Anyway, wish us good luck! teehee~ (: that's all I want to say? And it's time for me to get my SLEEEEEP! (; bye and love you guys always. ;)
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