♥ Mei Ying, Vivian Moo, Ayam & ME (Christy). :DD
Hey there. (; Just an ordinary day, today. And I was blogwalking around my friends' blogs, it's really fun reading the blogs. :D And about writing a blog, IDK? Every time when I want to write something, I can't blogging. :( Yea, because of the HOSTEL, again. :/ No computer. HAIZ. And about the school's computers, not allowed to blog. :sAnyway, viewing my friends' blog, most of them are not living in the hostel. Their life are really ...... AMAZING. So many different kinds of activities they could join, or even hangouts after school. D: just like how I lived last time. :'( but I still enjoy reading it, because I can't feel the real happiness of it, so I just read it and feel something from it? LOL, im surely lame.
Awhh, Carmen asked me to join the kidscat which Chelsea is also joining. And I don't know should I join, or not? Cause Chelsea said it's for christian? And I'm a buddhist. :/ but I think it'll be really fun, they said there're so many fun activities there. They could dance, sing, have drama, and else? And I love those activities! I have such a long time didn't join these kinds of activities already. :s
And about Samantha, I viewed her blog. Seems like she's having some problems on her friendship. I don't know the details, but anyway, wish you good luck, sam. (:
My class is having a new student this week, who's from China.(: A pretty girl, everyone said so. Hope she'll enjoy being in j111, and I'm sure she will too. :D Because I love my class very much too, hehe! xD
Yesterday chatted with several people on facebook, cause of my boring-ness. :P So I just found someone to chat with. :D I'm kinda envy of Carmen and j112's girls lorh, their parents allowed them to wear contact lens. T^T although I knew it's not that good to our eyes, but you know what, love being beauty is the nature instincts of girls. :/ and I love the blue and purple one, but my parents sure don't let wan lerhhh~~~
OMGEEE, just discovered something TERRIBLE! My novel! SHIT~~~has lost. :'( THAT'S MY BELOVED COLLECTION. awhh god. :'( Sad like hell weihh.x(
Nah, nothing to say already, im too sad right now. so bye my fellow readers. :'(