1.1.2011 in the afternoon now. (: ♥ Nowadays I was like......quite busy? Yeahh, busy-ing pack my stuff, cause I'm gonna move in to hostel tomorrow. ;P Mhmm, quite exited. :DD I know, you're sure thinking:" Are you crazy?" Yeahh, I'm quite crazy, ahha. At least I think hostel won't as boring as at house? o.0 Hope I'll meet new friends which as amazing as my recent friends? (:
As I said, I'm quite exited, but there's another case made me feeling sad. I bet you can guess it correctly, yeahh, I can't meet my friends often anymore. :( Lol, I said this like billion times already but I still not fed up with it? -.- I'm shooo 'chiong hei' (cantonese). ;P
Okay, let's back to the topic I'm actually talking about. Packing packing and still packing nowadays, I have so much stuff to pack......who ask I'm Christy Goh? xP Christy Goh have too much stuff, much til uncountable. And I still haven't pack finished, although tomorrow I'm going to move in to the hostel le. o.0 Pro leh, me mah! xD Let's get a look, what did I packed? A box of books, stationery, school bag, school uniforms, toothbrush, toothpaste, large pail, small pail, IKO biscuits, milo, shower gel, shampoo etc. There's too much stuff I should bring, seriously MUCH. :s My "BEST MUM EVER" still wanna I pack all of it myself. -.- How cruel.
I must bring so much things which I don't really want to bring, but I can't bring the things which I want to bring! That's my laptop and my beloved handphone! How could they set the stupid rules, CAN'T BRING ALONG LAPTOP AND HANDPHONE TO SCHOOL! Don't you guys think it's......cruel? What should I actually do there without my laptop and handphone? -.- Mhmm, NOTHING, except sleep, eat, sleep, eat and still sleep eat. If they didn't close the swimming pool, then at least we still can swim. But they even closed the swimming pool!
I seriously suspect the school hate me so much. Guess what? My favorite sport is : swim and play basketball. And they closed the swimming pool and dismantle the basketball court! I was like, almost gonna "精神分裂" when I heard the news. -.- What a rough luck I have. o.0
Okay, seems like there's nothing left to tell you guys. (: So, BUH BYE! ♥ Love you guys always. ;)
1.1.2011 (Saturday)
5.59 pm. ♥
good luck, you'll need it dwarf. Take care.Perhaps we can meet again in the near future. After all, we live quite close.:)
Yeahh, I need lucks. o.0 Oh yeah? Where you live? Hope we can meet again larh. (: Anyway, thanks for the 'LUCK'. ;P
Tropicana. ya. no problem.
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