Hey my fellow readers, I'm finally came back from Pin Hwa! :DD
♥ I have so much things to tell you guys about my life at Pin Hwa. (: Pin Hwa is quite awesome actually, but then there's so much rules. Very muchh, very very.D: It's such a strict school, especially the discipline teacher. :o You know what? This Friday we went to take photo at school for doing the student card, but the discipline teacher stand there with her scary face and ask use to smile until can see our teeth. -.- I was like....omg. My fake smile would look so terrible, seriously. =.= I will hate my student card so much, though so.
My class - J111, is seriously a GOOD CLASS. Students in that class are like....so good boy good girl. They won't even make noises in the morning before our teacher came in to the class. So my first impression of this class is "OMG, SO QUIET!" I don't really like those classes which very quiet, cause 6u-ians were so.....noisy? haha, heard "Once you form a habit, it becomes natural to you"? It happens on me, and I believe it happens on you guys too. (: Though so. ;P I wish my class would be noisier. :DD And my wish comes true since Friday.(: Maybe last time they don't really know each other, so that's why they're so quiet? So now they know each other better, so they became noisier. :DD So that's why I said MY WISH COMES TRUE. :DD ♥
Okayy let's talk about those teachers. They're so nice to be with! Seriously, very nice to. ;DD They're not as fierce as primary school's teachers, though so. D: They don't even scold us...... at least since Monday until now they also didn't. (: The total amount of my class' pupils are 43 persons, and two of them are Malay.(: Guess what, they're so smart, one of them get 7A's for UPSR. D: Smart right? She even can speak Chinese correctly, I think even better than me. D: About the another one, I don't know how much A's she took for her UPSR. -.- But I think she's as smart as the another one too. (:
Ohya! I'm in the first class of ENGLISH! Can you just seriously believe that? My friends always said I keep talking or writing broken English but I still can in the first class of English class. ;DD The class name of mine is "PA". ;P Smart neh, me mahh! ;PP Anyway I'm the assistant monitor of English class too. (: My English teacher is Ms. Malar, an Indian, she's very funny, I love her lessons. (: But then that's something so bad there, MUST SPEAK ONLY ENGLISH during English lessons! It's the rules in English classes. D: Yeahh I know it can improves our English, but it's seriously so hard. -.-
I met so much new friends there, but then they like to call my Chinese name, not my English name anymore. D: (But still some of them call me with my English name. ;D ) I remember, last time everyone calling me Christy wan right? You guys never call me with my chinese name, though so. -.- Ohh maybe you guys did, but not so much. (: If I didn't memorized wrongly, kt is the only one who's only call me with my chinsese name. Lol. xD My new friends at Pin Hwa all very awesome too, as awesome as 6u-ians. ;DD But I'm still the awesome-est one. ;DD (perasan-ing again, again and AGAIN!) xP
P/S: I hate homeworks! >.<''
Christy Goh Chy Shang. (:
13 years old. ;DD
2.57am. xD
9th January, 2011. xP