Heyy guys. (: Saw my msn's photo or facebook's profile picture? (: I cut my hair. :P Wanna see the pic? Okay, here's the photo. (:

I know I look crazy. :P
Okay continue......Tell you something you will be mad. That's......actually I cheated on you guys! I never cut my hair! Ahahaha. I know Im lame larh, cause I wanna to cut my hair but dont dare to...... I scared I cut a ugly hairstyle, that's why Im still thinking should I cut? Give some ideas guys. (:
Good news here! Im officially enrolled by the hin hua high school guys ! Im so damn happy! (: But another bad news too...... my mum doesn't really want let me go...... she said if I really can study well, even though I go government school also no problem one larh. She doesn't really want let me study at private school. :( Bad news rite. How? Hope I can go hin hua so damn much, my only wish now. I think?
So......I must register before 9 November, or else I can't go that school anymore. And my mum still not sure letting me go or not. Feeling so damn fret larh! >.< Anyway I want end my post already, I feel so tired and sad now, so I gonna go. :( Bye.