♥ ma'pets and baixiao's sports uniform. (:
I'm taking part in the Speech Competition this Wednesday, but guess what? I HAVEN'T EVEN MEMORIZE THE WHOLE SPEECH! X( Pro right? YEA, so pro. x/ Okay, that't fine, but there's still something except that. I still need to attend two Maths Competition weih. :'( Very stressful weih, summore Im the type of people who's always do everything in the last minute. x*( OHYA, summore! I don't understand the lessons of the extra maths class which provided by my school at all! HAIZ, am I too stupid? URGH, I don't care lah! But still stress. :(
Ohh, did you discover that today is MONDAY and I'm still updating my blog? YEA RIGHT, I did not go to school today, teehee. :P Cause I just went to clean the sepulcher with my family this morning. (: Although it was so hot and tired, but I also felt kinda happy, because doesn't need to go school today and have ICE-CREAM! :DD But hope that teacher is not giving much homeworks today lah. (:
Ohyea, the examination of the first term was past, and Im kinda satisfied of my result. (: I get A's in every subject, except for BAHASA MALAYSIA! x( My BM didn't even improve, even degenerating! HAIZ, sad sad. x( It makes my total average decreased. :( OHYEA, P/S: my BM get 78%, still need 2 marks! TWO MARKS! I gonna take A if I get more TWO MARKS! x/
Anyway, I think that's all I wanna say? (: Oh yea! I made a video, if you wanna see, you can go http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=py66sqFCrJE. (: So yea, BYE BYE! ;D