Hey my besties,
I really geram cause everytime you guys also want to change your blog's URL but dun tell me that,
so everytime I wanna to view your blog I also cant find it.
really geram.
I worried that if I change my blog's URL then you guys cant find my blog,
so I din change it until now,
actually I wanna to change it already one,
cause my blog's url is so......
I just hope that Sam, esther and chelsea please type down your blog's url in the chatbox,
cause I wanna to tag you guys.
It's time to sleep and got a nice dream,
Oh man,
too more friends know my blog now,
so I can't put my private things on to the blog or secret,
cause my class' friends damn ba gua one,
if they know any secret of me?
They 100% would tell everybody,
don't know why they so got problem one lo,
especially is the Sue En and kt a......
Sue En said the most,
but she is a bit thick,
cause she say to other people the things that I didn't even post on my blog!
She say to other people that I write I like Tong Shen and Zu Yan on my blog!
It's a bit thick!
I didn't even admit that I likes Tong Shen or Zu Yan,
but she tell everybody I admit it on my blog,
hate her sometime,
but just sometime,
cause sometime she also ok ok one.
Actually Tong Shen and Zu Yan just only my best friend in boys,
it not means that I likes them.
Got boy's friends cannot one meh?
I didn't even heard it in adult's world,
but in children's world I don't know why cannot,
it just a friend.
Okay anyway,
I think I wanna to change my blog's URL,
but I scared that my followers can't find my new blog,
but I also don't want to let my friends know,
so I can't post my new blog's URL in my blog,
so how?
Don't know how to do......